You eventually get Cygors which are basically artillery monsters. You actually get ranged units, awful ones, but they serve their purpose and can outrun most infantry. Your early unit selection is terrible, but it's pretty cheap and you'll be able to start improving your selection pretty soon. You start with 2 hordes and are able to deal with everything you start near.

You also have possibly the best infantry in the game, but that's close to all you have, and even Dwarves outrun you.īeastmen are slightly better implemented and Khazrak in particular was just greatly buffed.

You do get hellcannons later on, and some neat monster units. Making an ally of Clan Moulder early on and then coordinating attacks with them and Norsca helps, but even if you are very successful it's a very long road before you are able to start recruiting anything interesting and you don't have much of a selection in general.

You only start with 1 horde, will run into money problems early on, and if you play on Very Hard or Legendary, you'll be kind of stuck fighting Norsca for a while since Kislev and the Dwarfs will simply be able to overrun you since they both start with a good economy. Archaeon is one of the most interesting lords though. Warriors of Chaos are nice in concept, but in execution they have a very slow buildup before you get anything other than weak maruaders or slow infantry. Yep Chaos is quite good, you get an easy starting area, and good units throughout, however saying that Chaos armies that are close together suffer from infighting, but only the Marurder units, so a simple fix is once your first army can create Non- Maru units then disband them all and only use Chao units from then on, that way you can attack with as many armies together (seigeing etc) as you like, however if you transfer units from one army to another which can't create those units itself, or atleast doe's not have the first building in that tree, then the upkeep skyrockets, so it's best to build up one strong army, spawn a second and have the second tag along with it's parent army until it can create its on non-maru units, btw Hell Cannons basically means you win everytime if you have 6 or more of them, 6-8 can rout an entire army long before they can get within melee range (doesn't work as well in auto-resolve however) but beware once you get the hang of it, it can make the battle so much fun for a while, but then can make the whole campaign boring real fast.